Please be aware that the following clauses apply to all purchase orders issued to you by Archimedes:
1) You must notify Archimedes of any non-conforming product.
2) You must obtain Archimedes’ approval for any non-conforming product prior to shipment to Archimedes.
3) All suppliers must maintain a Quality System that is compliant to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 or AS9100:2016.
You must notify Archimedes of any changes in product and/or processes,
equipment, change of suppliers, changes of manufacturing facility
location and, where required, obtain Archimedes approval.
5) You must flow down to the supply chain the applicable requirements including customer requirements.
6) All records must be retained for a minimum of 7 years.
7) Where appropriate, all personnel shall be qualified to perform their job function.
You must provide right of access by Archimedes, our customer and
regulatory authorities to the applicable areas of all facilities, at any
level of the supply chain, involved in the order and to all applicable
9) All packing slips and C of C's must include the revision status as per the Archimedes purchase order, if applicable.
10) Where appropriate, test specimens must be submitted to Archimedes for inspection/approval.
Where appropriate, the supplier shall identify the requirements for
design, test, inspection, verification, and use of statistical
techniques for product acceptance.
12) Calibration
houses only: A calibration system in conformance with ANSI/NCSL Z540-1
must be maintained that is traceable to the National Institute of
Standards and Technology and provide positive identification of
calibration status. Adequate process controls, records, and
certifications shall also be sufficiently maintained to satisfy purchase
order requirements. Data is required with any out-of-tolerance
condition(s) found.
13) Use current revision of all referenced documents unless otherwise instructed.
Ensuring that persons are aware of: their contribution to product or
service conformity; their contribution to product safety; the importance
of ethical behavior.
15) Supplier will maintain a counterfeit
prevention program. The program shall include, as applicable, processes
for the avoidance, detection, mitigation, disposition, and reporting of
counterfeit product and services. The following industry specs, or
equivalent, can be used as guidance for a prevention program: AS5553,
AS6081, or AS6496